Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Best Times To Trade Currencies

Forex is a 24 hour market and there will be good setups for profitable trades in the Asian, European and US sessions. It pays to look at historical price data on forex charts to see what time of the day you could be watching the market and what time you could be doing something else. The aim is to trade when the average trading range is worthwhile and stay out of the market when price is in a narrow sideways range.

There are good online and downloadable tools at forex market hours

The market opens on Monday morning in Wellington New Zealand .8 am Wellington time is 8pm GMT,9pm BST,4pm EDT (Sunday evening New York time)


(Summer Northern Hemisphere)

GMT Sydney Tokyo Frankfurt London New York
2200 1800
2300 1900
0000 2000
0100 2100
0200 2200
0300 2300
0400 0000
0500 0100
0600 0200
0700 0300
0800 0400
0900 0500
1000 0600
1100 0700
1200 0800
1300 0900
1400 1000
1500 1100
1600 1200
1700 1300
1800 1400
1900 1500
2000 1600
2100 1700

The market closes for the week at 4pm EDT on Friday.

where BST is British Summer time ,EDT is Eastern Daylight Time USA.Check your local time at http://forex.timezoneconverter.com

The most active pairs during the London session are EURUSD with 39% of the trading volume, GBPUSD with 23%, USDJPY with 17%, USDCHF with 6% and USDCAD with 5%.

New York is the second largest forex market place. The busiest time is 8am to noon EST. News releases can result in a volatile market.

Sometimes volatility is low in the Tokyo session and sometimes good moves occur. The USDJPY is the most active pair with 78% of the volume followed by EURUSD with 15% and EURJPY with 5%.


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